Games Support

Contact Us

Your comments and concerns are important to us, and we want to make your TapGame experience the best it can be. We read each message carefully, and we'll do our best to respond to support inquiries within five business days.

Answers to Common Advertiser Questions

How big is TapGame's audience? TapGame reaches over 3 million users in the United States alone.

Who plays on TapGame? TapGame's audience is primarily males aged 13 to 30.

Can we do a link exchange? Sorry, we don't do link exchanges.

Answers to Common Questions

Got a problem with another user? Use the "report abuse" link on their profile.

Having trouble getting badges and cards? Ensure your chat is connecting properly and there are no firewalls or ad blockers interfering.

Game isn't loading? Try disabling browser add-ons and ad blockers, or reinstall the Flash Player.

Didn’t get your referral points? Ensure your friend signed up correctly and from a different network.

For more detailed tips, check out the suggestions thread in the forums.

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